SEO – Session Part -14

…continuing from yesterday, I must add…

There are many more keyword analysis tools available online for FREE but Google Analytics Tool is my most trusted one. What’s more – it requires no registration, No download and is FREE. Consider re-writing your site content by testing your keywords’ competency and make it more keyword-rich and ‘search-engine friendly’ – you’ll have wonderful results!

Well, enough of keyword analysis now, let’s move a little more further and see what comes next…

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds... think Big anyway."
-- Kent M. Keith

Find & Analyze Meta Keywords:

So, let us learn how and where to find Meta Keywords.

Say, we’re working on optimizing a website called Now our first thought would be to show it appearing in the 1st page of search engine results. Let’s test it in Google, Yahoo & MSN… but how do we do that? What you gonna test it with? Right! You’ve got to test it with the website’s Meta keywords.

Another question… Where do you find Meta Keywords now?

Allow me to explain: Open the website in your browser, now choose your browser type and follow the method mentioned:

Internet Explorer: Right-click on blank area of the page – select ‘view source’
Mozilla Firefox: Right-click on blank area – selected ‘view page source’
Google Chrome: Right click on any blank area – select ‘View Page Source’

NOTE: < META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="email marketing software…”> are your Meta Keywords.

*Current keywords of website are:

email marketing software,bulk email software,Email marketing tool,Internet marketing company,Email marketing company,Internet marketing software,Email Marketing System,email marketing solution,email marketing business,email list marketing,Bulk email,can spam act 2003,Anti Spam,anti spam filter,Direct email marketing,Bulk Email Marketing Software,Html newsletter,email newsletter software,Create email newsletter,Business mailing lists,business marketing,email list manager,Email list hosting,web based email,Email list management,Email newsletter,Mailing lists,V-Empower

Meta Tag = 571 characters / 28 Keywords.

Note-Worthy Note: Hope you remember that Meta Keyword Tag should use 10 keywords (with up to 150 characters) or less but not more.

Did you get the same result? If Not, go back & try again.

Kwell! We’re done with the first question today…. Congratulations!!
(Q1. Where and how do we find a website’s Meta Keywords?)

Tomorrow we will go ahead with testing’s keyword competency in Google, Yahoo & MSN…

Also, I have a question for you people, tell me…
How do you know who your competitor is (in terms on online business, of course! …don’t start naming your class or game score competitors… ha ha)?

If you have an answer, it is indeed well & good, I’m proud of you, and, if you do not have – I’ll get it to you, don’t worry!

Thanks & Bye!
V-Empower Inc: SEO Training Session Part XIV - 03-Dec



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