Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!

Today's Inspirational Quote:
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."
-- Carl Jung

Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!

We aren’t going to optimize ‘Yahoo!’ – We’re trying to optimize our website for ‘Yahoo!’

Google’s Search Engine is obviously something that we mostly consider when dealing with SEO of any website and obviously again, Google is the one used by most of internet audiences, but this thought should not limit us in our optimizing processes. Indeed Google is top listed search engine around the world but ‘Yahoo!’ & ‘Bing’ too deserve attention, don’t you think so?

‘Grossly putting, almost 35% of internet population uses search engines other than Google!’

Yahoo is one of the best search engines after Google, so it is very important to ensure that Yahoo is giving your site a good rank, because a site that is well optimized for Yahoo will also rank well in other search engines.

Yahoo! is the second biggest of the three major engines and includes an enormous network of websites.

There are a few differences between Yahoo and other search engines – So, let’s dig out a little into dealing with ways to conquer Yahoo! Search…. Here we go!

To optimize and rank highly on Yahoo!, as with any of the major engines, specific areas need to be addressed. On Yahoo! the major areas are as follows:

Seo Online Training Sessions

The Factors

Keyword density (We’ve covered keyword concepts earlier, refer to them for details)
Let me get the links for you:

Note-Worthy Note: Research says that Google and MSN work on partial matching of keywords: this means that they recognize a "partial" keyword as well. Example: the word "cake" may also be listed when searched for the plural work "cakes", making no difference between singular or plural keywords. Or recognize the partial keyphrase in the word "cake" in the phrase "Cakes & Bakes".

Yahoo works on ‘exact match’ phenomenon: they recognize only an exact keyword or keyphrase – A plural or more words represent completely another match.

Site structure: On no other engine is site structure more important than on Yahoo! Arrange your pages in the order of priority!

Backlinks: Having a solid backlink count from relevant sites is a major factor on Yahoo!

Tags: For Yahoo Meta tags are very important… Don’t miss them.

Domain Demand: Register your domains for 2-5 years, not 1 year and get a domain with as less dashes as you can. Dashes are not adored by Yahoo!

Web links: Use search engine friendly URLs.

Content is the King again: Quality content is a MUST for Yahoo listing.

That’s all for today, thanks!
V-Empower Inc: Topic Today: Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!


DoFollow WebPages

Do follow:

Its’ perfectly plain English!
Yes, it does mean: ‘Follow me’ …you are right!

Yesterday, we’ve been through the topic ‘No follow’ which actually dealt with the reverse concept – it is indeed the exact opposite term. You know how NoFollow works, who it affects and what all it does… pretty simple, wasn’t it? Well, today we’ll be studying this ‘do follow’ thing. And believe me when I say, ‘this is more than simple’ seriously.

Seo Online Training Sessions

Today's Inspirational Quote:
"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught."
-- J.C. Watts

Do follow: Characteristic Features:
  • Search engines do follow all the posted links on a webpage.
  • Search engines do get influenced by the host’s PageRank when ranking the guests’ website page.
  • Search engines do index the link which apparently means ‘indexes the concerned website.’

Note-Worthy Notes:
  • Do follow has exactly the same characteristic features as a site would have if it hasn’t been assigned the ‘no follow’ attribute.
  • ‘DoFollow’ is not an HTML attribute.  

‘All websites who DO NOT have the attribute ‘NoFollow’ are ‘DoFollow’ by default.’

To put it plain: Either a website is honoring all its comments with links included by influencing its ranking by their own PageRank or disallowing it. If a website allows, it is defaultly doing the ‘DoFollow’ job. A page particularly assigned the ‘NoFollow’ attribute may allow indexing but disallows PageRank effect on its guest websites.

The Opposite Words: NoFollow X DoFollow

Find few interesting articles on NoFollow here... Read them all, you’ll just gain more understanding on the concept:


Two blondes are walking down the road when one says 'Look at that dog with one eye!'
The other blonde covers one of her eyes and says 'Where?'


If you want to post a blog or comment on a blog with an aim to gain through the host websites’ PageRank, search for the blog which DO NOT have the ‘NoFollow’ attirbute. It’s simple as I have already told. Go to and use these keywords: dofollow blog, do follow blog, dofollow blog list, do follow blog list, dofollow websites, etc

IMPORTANT: You may as well use your own brains and come up with keywords which can help us in our job – do post them to me as ‘comments’ to this blog for the benefit of all readers & me.

Also submit your blogs to ‘DoFollow’ directories like:
Find lists of DoFollow blogs, social networking websites, article submission websites, bookmarking sites & more @

Search for more online yourself… Good Luck!
V-Empower Inc: Topic Today: DoFollow


Doorway Pages

Doorway Pages:

Yeah, you got me right!
These are sort of doors (available only online) directing you into ‘unwanted’ web pages!

‘Doorway pages are designed primarily for search engines, not for human beings.’

Talking technically doorway pages are web pages which are stuffed with keywords to rank top in search engine results BUT they aren’t worth using! Call them temporary web pages because the instant they appear, they start redirecting you to other page automatically or test your patience by requesting you to click to proceed!

Doorway webpages are basically created for spamdexing, i.e., for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending visitors to a different page. Doorway pages are also known as bridge pages, portal pages, jump pages, gateway pages, entry pages, etc.

‘Doorway pages use some form of cloaking, which is a big NO-NO in SEO.’

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new."
-- Brian Tracy

Like say we did a search for "Wallpapers" and choose the top-most link from the search result result page – a click on the link will take you to the doorway page which has our ‘search term’ but doesn’t have any wallpapers – then we are automatically redirected (thanks to the fast meta refresh command) to a new website which isn’t something you want! (You may sometimes be requested to click somewhere to reach your target.)

As you’ve seen that users don't arrive at the goal page in the first go – there’s a gap between the entry and the goal page... that’s why these pages are called "bridge pages" or "jump pages" (from user’s point of view).

*Search engines DO NOT accept pages using fast Meta refresh and so doorway pages are referred as SPAM.

Seo Online Training Sessions

Note-worthy Notes:

Doorway pages are pages that have been designed for one purpose only: To rank high in the search engines for a particular keyword.

Usually their design is relatively simplistic and includes a lot of text, but contains very little graphics or other fancy effects. Their text often consists of the same phrase(s) being repeated over and over again to just rank high in search results.

Whether deployed across many domains or established within one domain, doorway pages tend to frustrate users, and are in violation of webmaster guidelines.

A search engines’ aim is to give its’ users the most valuable and relevant search results. Therefore, they can’t tolerate practices that are designed to manipulate their techniques and eventually performing poorly in their sole responsibility.

A doorway page is no more than a one-page click-through advertisement for a website.

Doorway pages act as giant banner ads – They’re frustrating… An instant response would be to look up for the close button. Doorway pages an one-way street - you can arrive to a the website via them, but if you come to the site by using other entrances, you'd see no trace of the existence of these pages.

‘Doorway pages are, in a nutshell, BAD SEO.’

Reason to use doorway: Many sites base their designs on Flash, JavaScript and plenty of images which may surely please the eyes of the visitors, but technically talented search engines don’t understand them and so our so called ‘SEO Experts’ try to fool the Search engines by challenging their techniques.

Mind it: Getting blocked or banned (for an indefinite period) is the only punishment then, so better BEWARE!

The search engines initially tolerated this behavior, but as their databases started getting filled with doorway pages they realized that these pages would quickly conquer the top ranking spots replacing the deserving websites, apparently reducing the quality of their indices which eventually would lower the value of the search result itself, resulting in users abandoning the search engine!

So search engines started removing them!

Being an optimizer myself, I would recommend that you focus on optimizing your actual content pages instead of creating doorway pages. While doorway pages can only be used to attract traffic from the search engines, a well-optimized page that has good content can get visitors from the search engines AND make people spread the word about your site.

V-Empower Inc: Topic Today: Doorway Pages

Social networking: Advantages

Advantages of Social networking:

Man is a social being in the natural world and so are websites – a social being in the web world – Very simple… isn’t it?

If you wanted to make yourself or your product or an event famous in the real world, you would prefer putting big-banners on the road-side, Television Ads, Newspaper advertisements, Radio announcements, pamphlet distribution, etc. These are the natural ways of letting people know that you exist!  … Also suits to say that you have an ‘excellent idea to share’, a ‘new project’, ‘a new product’ and so on.

But, how if you’ve got an online site with excellent products or services in it?

How would you let the world know about your existence?

I’m pretty sure, it’s quite impossible for the whole world population to have a dream about it at once! Thinking positively and being optimistic is good but you’ll have to put in some efforts being you actually being ‘thinking’.

Coming to the point of popularizing your website, you may surely go ahead and follow the above mentioned ‘real world’ stuff and let people know about you, but that’s not what is recommended! Believe me, the online bugs rarely tune in to the radio, watch TV or read newspapers! (I don’t do that either.) So now, we’ll have to practically begin ‘Online Social Networking’, one of the ways which will popularize your website and it practically involves lots of blogging, bookmarking, tweeting & pinging.

You need to create your web profiles at as many famous social networking websites as possible. To name a few:

  • LinkedIn
  • MySpace
  • WordPress
  • Digg
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • ZoomInfo

There are millions of such websites available today and are purposely used for advertising!

Advantages of online social profiling:
  • These are available for FREE. (and so you can promote your site or business for FREE)
  • They are simple to set-up & easily customizable.
  • They promote free-flow of communication across multiple levels.
  • You get to have a space of your own on the internet…. (actually many spaces)
  • Maintenance is Flexible.
  • Conveys Information about the Businesses, offers, update, etc instantly
  • Allows for Customer Feedback

Other benefits include:

Social networking sites have proven themselves practical and effective forms of advertising.

Social networking sites allow businesses to connect with both customers and other associated businesses. (You understand? By linking to other businesses in the same or related fields, you have the opportunity to form mutually beneficial alliances and chances to cross promote.)

The biggest advantage of using social networking sites to promote your business is your ability to build a network of loyal clientele.

Moreover, your profile allows you to keep your customers up to date on events, specials and other useful information.

Social networking sites take “word of mouth” online, and businesses have much to gain by it.

The Internet never closes, so advertising through social networking sites has the potential to reach many more customers than using traditional forms of advertising. If you run an ad on the radio, it will only run as many times as you pay for it, but your profile can be viewed an infinite amount of times online. Businesses can also advertise on some social networking sites using traditional forms of Internet marketing such as pay per click, but you see – that’s a ‘paid’ one.

That’s all for today… See you t’rrow!
SEO: Topic Today: V-Empower Inc


SEO – Session Part - XV

Hello People!

As decided, today we’ll test’s keyword competency in Google, Yahoo & MSN (Bing)… & also work on answering my last sessions’ question: How do you know who your competitor is?’s keyword competency

Note-Worthy Note: If a Meta keyword is capable enough to list the website in initial 3 pages, it is a quality keyword or call it a competitive keyword. Also be very careful while choosing Meta keywords for your website: Choose only those which have high volume of global search (test them in Google Analytics first).

Take few (say, take first 3) keywords from EZL’s Meta keywords (I’m copying from the last session, you can get it right from the website too) and search them in the given search engines. If the keyword lists the website,, listed in the 1st page say ‘YES’ and if your website doesn’t get listed say ‘No’.


Keyword1: email marketing software : NO
Keyword2: bulk email software : YES
Keyword3: Email marketing tool : NO


Keyword1: email marketing software : NO
Keyword2: bulk email software : NO
Keyword3: Email marketing tool : NO

Msn (Bing):

Keyword1: email marketing software : NO
Keyword2: bulk email software : NO
Keyword3: Email marketing tool : NO

Conclusion: EZL’s keyword competency is very poor. :(

Our website’s keywords were ‘email marketing software’, ‘bulk email software’ & ‘email marketing tool’, but unfortunately only ONE of them could list us in the first page of Google’s search. Rest aren’t good enough for this job yet! That’s indeed depressing!

Life with a Wife:

A woman and her husband interrupted their vacation to go to the dentist.

"I want a tooth pulled, and I don't want Novocain because I'm in a big hurry," the woman said. "Just extract the tooth as quickly as possible, and we'll be on our way."

The dentist was quite impressed.
"You're certainly a courageous woman," he said. "Which tooth is it?"

The woman turned to her husband and said, "Show him your tooth, dear." :-O ha ha ha

But this attempt wasn’t entirely saddening, we’ve achieved more than we wanted… think why? Any idea?
Hint: What was our second question to be solved today?

Yes! All the websites that rank TOP for our keywords are ‘Our Competitors’. So by this test now we who know EZListmailer’s competitors are! Test all the keywords to know their competency levels and also simultaneously know all your competitors. Pretty interesting, is it not?

Experiment: Most of the keywords show same websites at the top levels… test it! Good Luck!

Well, that’s all for the day people! See you in the next session.

V-Empower Inc: SEO Training Session Part XV


V-Empower Inc - Topic Today

V-Empower's Topic Today:

Topic Today: Tags

Topic Today: Tweeting

Topic Today: Doorway Pages

Topic Today: DoFollow Websites/Webpages

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SEO – Session Part -14

…continuing from yesterday, I must add…

There are many more keyword analysis tools available online for FREE but Google Analytics Tool is my most trusted one. What’s more – it requires no registration, No download and is FREE. Consider re-writing your site content by testing your keywords’ competency and make it more keyword-rich and ‘search-engine friendly’ – you’ll have wonderful results!

Well, enough of keyword analysis now, let’s move a little more further and see what comes next…

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds... think Big anyway."
-- Kent M. Keith

Find & Analyze Meta Keywords:

So, let us learn how and where to find Meta Keywords.

Say, we’re working on optimizing a website called Now our first thought would be to show it appearing in the 1st page of search engine results. Let’s test it in Google, Yahoo & MSN… but how do we do that? What you gonna test it with? Right! You’ve got to test it with the website’s Meta keywords.

Another question… Where do you find Meta Keywords now?

Allow me to explain: Open the website in your browser, now choose your browser type and follow the method mentioned:

Internet Explorer: Right-click on blank area of the page – select ‘view source’
Mozilla Firefox: Right-click on blank area – selected ‘view page source’
Google Chrome: Right click on any blank area – select ‘View Page Source’

NOTE: < META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="email marketing software…”> are your Meta Keywords.

*Current keywords of website are:

email marketing software,bulk email software,Email marketing tool,Internet marketing company,Email marketing company,Internet marketing software,Email Marketing System,email marketing solution,email marketing business,email list marketing,Bulk email,can spam act 2003,Anti Spam,anti spam filter,Direct email marketing,Bulk Email Marketing Software,Html newsletter,email newsletter software,Create email newsletter,Business mailing lists,business marketing,email list manager,Email list hosting,web based email,Email list management,Email newsletter,Mailing lists,V-Empower

Meta Tag = 571 characters / 28 Keywords.

Note-Worthy Note: Hope you remember that Meta Keyword Tag should use 10 keywords (with up to 150 characters) or less but not more.

Did you get the same result? If Not, go back & try again.

Kwell! We’re done with the first question today…. Congratulations!!
(Q1. Where and how do we find a website’s Meta Keywords?)

Tomorrow we will go ahead with testing’s keyword competency in Google, Yahoo & MSN…

Also, I have a question for you people, tell me…
How do you know who your competitor is (in terms on online business, of course! …don’t start naming your class or game score competitors… ha ha)?

If you have an answer, it is indeed well & good, I’m proud of you, and, if you do not have – I’ll get it to you, don’t worry!

Thanks & Bye!
V-Empower Inc: SEO Training Session Part XIV - 03-Dec


SEO – Session Part - XIII

SEO – Session Part -13

V-empower Inc

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"I've never seen a monument erected to a pessimist."

-- Paul Harvey



Let me show you how to do ‘Keyword Analysis’ today – it’s very simple and interesting!

‘Google’s Keyword Tool’ is one the excellent analyzing tool where you can check a keyword’s competency easily. Follow this process:

Step1: Go to

Step2: Enter your keyword (or phrase)

Step3: Enter the code as given

Step4: Click on button ‘Get Keyword Ideas’

This is how the page looks:

Keyword Research

Lets’ say we wanna do the Keyword analysis for this website’s keywords:
If you know, or go through it once, you understand that emailing is the prime business here. So now let’s see how its keywords rank. Follow the above process and enter the keyword ‘email’ in the ‘Enter one keyword’ box.

Here’s how the result page will look:

The Google analysis tool will show the following:

1.         Our keyword and a list of ‘related keywords’

2.         Advertiser competition

3.         Local Search Volume (for a month)

4.         Global Search Volume.

*Consider the ‘Global Search Volume’ if your product is international and go for ‘Local’ if your search is for local audience.

**If you wanna see more columns, you can add or remove them using the ‘Choose columns to display’ option.
Result of the research shows that our keyword ‘email’ is the most searched term when compared to its related stuff. I suggest you go now & try it yourself for many keywords of your interest. If you find that the keyword you use is searched less that any of its related keywords then better replace yours with it.

Let me give you an example:

The keyword ‘Add to favorites’ has 18,100 searches where as keyword ‘Bookmark’ has 220,000 Searches… Got that? So better use ‘Bookmark’ instead of ‘Add to favorites’ for more traffic.
So get going now!

Check out the competency of your websites’ keywords!

That’s all for the day then… C ya t’rrow.

V-Empower Inc.: SEO Training Session Part XIII - 03-Dec

Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.

Seo Online Training Sessions

That’s all for today folks!

V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part XIII
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