Blog & Blogging Tips to attract Traffic

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Blogging Tips

Blog submission is perhaps the best part of off-page SEO – After all its’ just speaking your brain, your ideas, all your stuff. Very sassy, isn’t it?

Sites like,, and other social networking / bookmarking websites can give you a huge traffic. How about having 30,000 or more visitors everyday?

Tips to get traffic:

Catchy Headlines – Many articles get ignored online because of their headlines. Your title should always be catchy because people first see the title of your article. If the headline or title isn’t attractive – you have already lost the game!

NOTE: Make it spicy.

A Meaningful Short Description – It always helps. The description should be intriguing to catch more attention but don't use false facts just to get the interest. People, including me, don’t like reading long length tales, you better keep it short & crisp. Also, blogging sites have character limit in description, so think a short yet meaningful description about your blog.

Outstanding First Paragraph – It’s indeed important that you have the first paragraph excellently presented. If you already have successful headlines and description to have the User's interest, don't forget to create great first paragraph for them to visit your site or else they'll not going to visit it because of your awful first paragraph.

Content is Everything – If your article is a junk, networking / bookmarking / blogging is useless. Your registration may also get banned on blogging sites if you continue to post junk.

Right Time to Submit – Most of social bookmarking sites only have 24 hours for your article to stay there in front page. So it is not advisable that you post when your target audience are still sleeping. Weekdays are a right time to post in terms of traffic because you can have more competitors on weekends.

Ever heard…?

The Law Of Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with… Pssst!!

Right Category – Post into the right category else select general, don’t post into whatever comes first. All your effort to bring up good content is a waste if you dump it blindly. Category counts a lot!

Build a Good Profile – Present yourself beautifully, make your page appear as appealing as you can. Use your brains, include your contact details every time you make a post – you never know when you might receive a call!

Don’t submit Old Stories Old Stories are a big NO NO  - Take no chance with them unless you really have some important update related to it.

Check your Facts and Spelling – You could have negative votes if other user found that you haven't got the right facts about your story. There are some social bookmarking sites that that don't permit to edit your post after you posted it. If you misspell your keyword, title or even your URL, it will stay forever when you posted it. So before posting your story, check your facts and spelling first.

Have Related Articles – One of the technique to keep your visitor longer on your site is to have related or similar article so that they'll read more articles on your site.

Responds to Comments – Always respond to the comments on your article. It is possible that you could make more friends and have a top-profile if your story has many comments. Also post comments on other user’s blogs, they’ll surely check yours then! Be tricky!

Prepare your server for a Huge Traffic – If your articles gets the interest of many user to visit your site, thats a great news! Check if your server is prepared for it or not? Loosing traffic for stupid reasons is foolishness and I’m pretty sure you cannot afford it.

Search Engine Optimizer,

V-Empower Inc – Empowering People.

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