SEO – Session Part V

SEO – Session Part V

V-empower IncMorning Optimizers!

How’s it going?

Well, in the last session we saw what ‘social networking’ means and how it affects, however, that wasn’t all, there are yet many more benefits than what were already discussed and let me tell you, the more you understand this term, the more you’ll find its benefits, maybe you can write some of your own views in comments! I’ll be waiting to read them.

The other benefits include:

Social networking sites have proven themselves practical and effective forms of advertising.

The biggest advantage of using social networking sites is to promote your business; in your ability to build a network of loyal clientele.

These sites allow businesses to connect with both customers and other associated businesses. (You understand this…? By linking to other businesses in the same or related fields, you have the opportunity to form mutually beneficial alliances and chances to cross promote…. Wow!)

Moreover, your profile allows you to keep your customers up-to-date on events, specials and other useful information.

Social networking sites take the “word of mouth” online, and businesses have much to gain by it. (You’ll know this in a practical experience)

The Internet never closes – it runs 24 x 7 x 365, so advertising through social networking sites has the potential to reach many more customers than using traditional forms of advertising. If you run an advertisement on the radio, it will only run as many times as you pay for it, but your profile can be viewed an infinite number of times online.

Businesses can also advertise on some social networking sites using traditional forms of Internet marketing such as pay per click, but you see – that’s a ‘paid’ one.

….. the list is long! It may never end!

But i’ll have to stop here, we have many more topics which await introduction.

There’s an another term that you’ll come across while optimizing and that is ‘Link Popularity’ or ‘Link Building’, this is basically associated with social profiling, but happens to be a part of ‘Off-Page’ SEO, so we’ll be dealing with it later.

Let’s switch to ‘Tags’ now:

Tag section is one of the most important parts of website analysis (here we get a little technical!) We have to work with the source code tags of a website – it involves viewing, adding, and editing with an aim to make it more search engine friendly or say ‘Optimized’.

Ready to get technical guys?

Well, Relax! Lets’ not make haste, coz u know ‘haste makes waste’.

Try digesting the above facts for today and if you’re still hungry… try feeding yourself with some research on Tags. You have time till tomorrow…

Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.
Seo Online Training Sessions

That’s all for today folks!

V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part V
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