SEO Session Part VII

SEO – Session Part VII
V-empower IncHello!!!

Ready to set off on a SEO ride again?

Let’s go!

SEO, as you see, is a very wide concept. In fact, each element of this concept is a life-size subject in itself. Digging deep and mastering all SEO concepts will surely take time; however, by no chance should that thought hamper your quest to become ‘The SEO Expert’!

Since the start we’ve been dealing with On-Page SEO concepts and till-date we covered topics like Google PageRank, Taffic Rank, Social Profiling, Tags, etc. You must have noticed terms like Backlinks, Index links, Reciprocal links, etc in the Website Evaluation report. Yes, you are right if you’re thinking these play a major role in SEO, and if you’re not thinking that, i’ll make you think. Let me introduce the concept of links to you.

Inspirational Quotation for Today

"Life is something like a trumpet. If you don't put anything in, you won't get anything out."

-- W.C. Handy

Links, links and; links:

‘Index links, Inbound links, Back links, Hyperlinks, Anchor links, Reciprocal links …’ You’ve got to have many links linking to your website spread over on the wonderful web world. You can build your website into a traffic booming gem by links because…

‘More the number of links – more the traffic’ (simple, ain’t it?)

Well, first of all, do you understand what link building or link popularity is?

Plainly speaking, both refer to the amount of text links that lead to your website from other sites. This can be done by:
  1. Placing reciprocal links.
  2. Press Release Submission Service.
  3. RSS Feed Submission
  4. Sending newsletters with hyperlinked text/images.
  5. Directory Submissions.
  6. Social Profiling.
  7. Posting your hyperlinked web content as blogs, articles, or comments in forums, social networking websites, and other blogging sites, etc.
‘Link building is perhaps the best way to popularize your website.’

"Twisted quotation for the Day: If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried."

Link-building is basically of three types:
  1. One-way link building
  2. Two-Way or Reciprocal link building
  3. Three way link building
Let me tell how its’ gonna help your website:

Link building and link popularity are the elixir of life for websites on the internet. It provides a whole lot of unpaid or cheap advertising – It actually is a crucial web marketing tool (as you’ve seen in the advantages of social networking)

Link building helps in creating awareness, visibility and credibility of your site.

It helps the website get indexed by search engines.

Link popularity is the most important factor that is used for calculating a web page’s rank and in-turn, PageRank is something that is mainly based on a site’s link popularity. The Google PageRank is a crucial factor because it decides where your web page will list in a search result.

The larger the number of existing links to your site, the higher will be its page rank and the better will be its position in the search engine results… so simple, isn’t it?

A link to your web site on any other site on the internet acts as an advertisement for people to come and peek into your site, therefore, any website that has a large number of links from related websites automatically gets an increased flow of relevant traffic.

Reciprocal (or two-way) link exchange will increase your website visibility b’cuz of the relevant linking – Reciprocal linking is factually an affordable and effective source to get direct and quality traffic towards your website.

Since link popularity gets only relevant traffic to your site, it may lead to conversions too. Also, in case you want to sell your website, a site with high link popularity will always get you higher rates; even if you are not planning to sell, a high PageRank and link popularity will ensure that you get higher ad revenues.

Submitting a site on directories helps in getting one way links. Listings in directories improve your chances of good page ranking as well. If your site is listed in a directory, the search engines are more likely to find it and add it in their listings for free.

That’s enough about it… We will go ahead with the rest of topics from t’rrow.

Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.

Seo Online Training Sessions

That’s all for today folks!

V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part VII
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