SEO – Session Part IV

SEO – Session Part IV
V-empower Inc…. continuing from our last session, I would like to repeat the last point:

As the website analysis suggests the importance (and for many other highly-important reasons), your website must have its profile in all the leading social networking websites. When I say ‘leading’ it obviously means ‘high-ranked’, else posting your profile in low-rank websites will actually get your good rank down! (Which I’m sure you would not like.)

Social profiling not only gets your existence known but also helps you gather more backlinks. You must have noticed the point ‘Back links from Yahoo, Google & Msn’ in the ‘Website Analysis Report’, well those are actually the number of social profiles that you have posted online. Links however, also include your blogs links, article links, comments’ links, bookmarked links, etc. – All this comes in ‘Social networking’/
In the last session, I’d listed down few good professional & social networking websites – check them you’ll understand why it is important to register with them. However, let me help you understand its advantages this way:

Advantages of Social networking:

Man is a social being in the natural world and so are websites – a social being in the web world – Very simple… isn’t it?

If you wanted to make yourself or your product or an event famous in the real world, you would prefer putting big-banners on the road-side, Television Ads, Newspaper advertisements, Radio announcements, pamphlet distribution, etc. These are the natural ways of letting people know that you exist!  … Also suits to say that you have an ‘excellent idea to share’, a ‘new project’, ‘a new product’ and so on.

But, what if you’ve got an online site with excellent products or services in it?

How would you let the world know about your existence?

I’m pretty sure, it’s quite impossible for the whole world to have a dream about it at once! Thinking positively and being optimistic is good but you’ll have to put in some efforts before you actually start your work.

Coming to the point of popularizing your website, you may surely go ahead and follow the above mentioned ‘real world’ stuff and let people know about you, but that’s not what is recommended! Believe me, the online bugs rarely tune in to the radio, watch TV or read newspapers! (I don’t do that either.) So now, we’ll have to practically begin ‘Online Social Networking’, one of the ways which will popularize your website and it practically involves lots of blogging, bookmarking, tweeting & pinging.

You need to create your web profiles at as many famous social networking websites as possible.

There are millions of such websites available today and are purposely used for advertising!

Advantages of online social profiling:
  • These are available for FREE. (and so you can promote your site or business for FREE)
  • They are simple to set-up & easily customizable.
  • They promote free-flow of communication across multiple levels.
  • You get to have a space of your own on the internet…. (actually many spaces)
  • Maintenance is Flexible.
  • Conveys Information about the Businesses, offers, update, etc. instantly.
  • Allows for Customer Feedback
Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.

Seo Online Training Sessions

That’s all for today folks!

V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part IV
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