SEO Work-Flow-Process-Plan

SEO Work-Flow-Process-Plan
V-empower IncHello People!

Till recently we’ve been presenting to you details related of parts of the SEO concept. Its’ almost impossible for anybody to put all SEO story in one page, unless… Yes! Unless you make a ‘SEO Flow Process Plan’ out of it. I summed up all the steps that would occur in the SEO process of a website, lets’ say ‘SEO of’ – I’ve taken each segment step-by-step, tried covering all concepts and presented it in a Process-plan-flow-form below.

Making a process-plan not only simplifies your work flow but also makes it easier for you to understand the current status of your website with a single glance! Isn’t that wise?
  1. You can also know like what’s done & what’s pending.
  2. You’ll be in a right position to estimate your project time-line.
  3. If you have a team, you can distribute the task easily among them by allotting each a particular segment.
  4. This SEO chart ‘Work flow’ even makes a ‘lay-man’ understand the complex yet simple SEO process, after all SEO is not rocket science!
  5. It makes it easier for you to add, edit or delete if you feel a particular segment is not required for your website or if its’ already done.

Well, whatever, just take a look at what we could make out of an SEO process posted below and do tell us if you feel you can make it more better! We’ll we more than glad… Thank you!

SEO Work-Flow-Process-Plan

SEO Start:

Website Evaluation – Website Research & Analysis

Competition Analysis – Competitor websites & their analysis

On-Page SEO:

Keyword Optimization: Analysis & development

Website Optimization: Tags (Meta, Alt, H1 & Title), URL’s Optimization, SiteMap generation, check for Broken links, Image & Content Optimization

Pay Per Click

RSS Feeds

Off-Page SEO:



Social Media Profiling

Email Marketing

Link Building


Paid Advertising

Website Submission to Search Engines

Website Submission to Directories

SEO Results:

Google PageRank

Search Engine Results

Alexa PageRank

Traffic / Hits

Inbound Links


Index links

ROI / User’s response.

SEO Spamming Techniques:

On-Page – Don’ts’:

Hidden text

Hidden links

Keyword repetition

Doorway pages

Mirror pages


Off-Page: Don’ts’

Link farms (sites with 100+ outbound links per page)

Using irrelevant keywords in your link-ads

Garbage links

Link churning

Hidden inbound links

Isn’t it much simpler to understand now?

I bet it is!

Well, thanks for reading it through – I recommend all of you to make out such a flow-chart for all your SEO process b’cuz ‘it helps’

Search Engine Optimizer,

V-empower Inc – Empowering People.

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