SEO – Session Part X
SEO – Session Part X

SEO Tool Bar - Backlinks for Google, Yahoo and Bing
“Pause to Ponder: Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.”
… Continuing from yesterday, I will now show & explain you as how the SEO toolbar looks when installed in your browser and what information it gives and where.SEO TOOLBAR:

Ways to count backlinks:
Way 1:
For Google:
Step1: Go to
Step2: Type this: ‘’ and click on ‘Search’ option.
NOTE: Do NOT give any space after or before colon.
For Yahoo:
Step1: Go to
Step2: Type only the domain name of your website.
Example: if your webites’ URL is
Step3: The ‘Inlinks’ count is your backward links count.
For MSN:
Step1: Go to
Step2: Type Link:
Example: if your webites’ URL is
Type: Link:
NOTE: Give a space after colon only in Bing.
Hint of humor a day – keeps the tensions away!
Sardar jee’s Interview:
Interviewer: How does an electric motor run?
Santa: Dhhuuuurrrrrrrrrr. ....
Inteviewer shouts (amazed & angry): Stop it !!
Santa: Dhhuurrrr dhup dhup dhup...
Way 2:
After installing the ‘quirk toolbar’, place it anywhere on the page according to your convenience. Then follow the below steps:
Step1: Right-click on the ‘Quirk Iicon’ (shown as circled ‘q’ in your bar – check above extreme left)
Step2: Now select ‘Show Backward Links’ (the last option)
Step3: Click on ‘Domain’ option from the displayed ones.
Step4: Choose a Search Engine.
Step5: A new page will open up in your browser showing your websites’ backward links.
NOTE: You may click option ‘All’ if you want to know back link count for all the available Search Engines – Each Search Engine result is displayed in a separate window.
Below image will help you understand my point better:

Well guys…. That’s all for the today.
We will learn counting ‘Index links’ tomorrow…
V-Empower Inc: SEO Training Session Part X
Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.
V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part X
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