Important of quality content using the right keywords

V-empower Inc
Let’s plunge into SEO again…? Hmm! Today its’ going to be a little more interesting.
Enough of those long-length paragraphs speaking volumes on SEO & SEM, they are sometimes boring, aren’t they?

So I’ve thought of an easy yet spicy way to sew SEO – How about having some tips?
I’m sure you’ll find these worth reading & sharing – Good Luck!
Here’s what comes to my mind:

  • Create your website with quality content using the right keywords.

    (Note: It’s nothing more than common sense to understand what a right keyword is – think from the peoples’ point of view.)
  • Right keywords are to be put at recommended places too like in the title tag, heading tag, meta tags, alt tag, etc.

    (Now this is technical HTML, so you will have to be careful)
  • Present your matter in a short, simple, point-wise & spicy way.

    (Not sure about others but I’m not interested in reading page-length paragraphs – they’re boring!)
  • Avoid multiple colored texts in pages – keep it dark & easily readable.
  • Text background must be plain too – Add an image if you wish, but let it not distract your audiences’ attention.

    Remember: Bright colored windows are shut first!
  • Keep your site design simple making it easy to navigate.

    (We don’t wanna play hide-and-seek there! Sorry! I’m not interested in maze either)
  • Avoid lots of flashing banners and advertisements.

    (You may however keep a few – The profit point of view, you see!)
  • Don’t overuse Images – they’ll make your page load slowly which is not really a nice point.

    (People like me are rather impatient)
  • Go Networking! Yes you’ll have to create profiles in social media websites and keep it updating periodically
  • Check for broken links in your website: Repair them or Remove them.

    (It’s irritating if links don’t lead you anywhere. The only things I do if I’m misled is ‘hit the close button’.)
So, mind all these manners – after all, ‘Manners make a Website’ in today’s web world.
If you have anything more to say – You are more than welcome to add your ‘tips’, I’ll be waiting.
Search Engine Optimizer,

V-Empower Inc – Empowering People.

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