SEO – Session Part VI

SEO – Session Part VI

V-empower IncHello Optimizers!
What’s up?

C’mon, let’s start right away with Tags! We haven’t got time to waste.

Yesterday, I had left you with homework to dig out the tagging theories! Got anything ….? Post it in comments, I’m dying to hear from you!

Well, this is what I could get:

HTML Tags & their efficiencies:

Tags are the first and foremost in website optimization! Lets’ get tagging then! But before we’re off, you need to understand…

What are Tags?

Where are they placed?

Where do they stand in the SEO plan? Etc. & more.

Do you know?

‘Tags play a very vital role in SEO – literally speaking they can decide the value of your website.’

What are Tags?

Tags are ‘Keywords’.  Putting plainly these are the important words which speak about your website and reason for its presence.

Where are Tags placed?

Tags are placed in HTML sockets in the source code of your website. You’ll find them as:
  • Meta Tags
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Description
  • Header Tags
  • Alt Tags

A brief bout them:

Meta Tags should use 10 keywords (up to 150 characters) or less but not more.

Title Tags appear as ‘Title’ in the website window – they can be up to 70 Characters.

Meta Description describes the website – it should be done in no more than 150 characters.

Header Tags serve as heading to text and range from H1 to H10

Alt Tags or Alternative Text Tags are used to name an image or an object in the page. All images must be named as they’re quite good at attracting traffic!

Role of Tags:

Tags play a crucial role in SEO because SEO mainly deals with search engines and Tags are the words that users use while searching in search engines. Getting my point?

Let me explain:

Lets’ say if you host a website which sells ‘Nike Shoes’, so your tags should be: Nike, Nike shoes, white Nike shoes, Nike shoppe, etc. These ultimately are the search terms or words that users may use while searching! So you see: generating traffic to your website depends on ‘Tags’

Smart Note: ‘Think from the ‘users’ point of view while writing tags’

You can check your keyword’s (Tag’s) importance or say analyze their competitiveness @

Well, there are many more tools available online for FREE but this one is the most trusted. What’s more, it requires no registration! This keyword analysis tool gives you all details about your keywords (and related keywords) like their advertiser competition, their local and global search volume (number of searches), etc. You’ll get better ‘keyword replacement ideas’ too.

Well, that’s all for the day people!

We’ll move ahead with the rest of topics from tomorrow.

Important Note: Guys don't worry if you missed the sessions, by clicking the image below you can see all the training sessions from the Beginning.

Seo Online Training Sessions

That’s all for today folks!

V-Empower Inc. – SEO Training Session Part VI
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