Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!

Today's Inspirational Quote:
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."
-- Carl Jung

Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!

We aren’t going to optimize ‘Yahoo!’ – We’re trying to optimize our website for ‘Yahoo!’

Google’s Search Engine is obviously something that we mostly consider when dealing with SEO of any website and obviously again, Google is the one used by most of internet audiences, but this thought should not limit us in our optimizing processes. Indeed Google is top listed search engine around the world but ‘Yahoo!’ & ‘Bing’ too deserve attention, don’t you think so?

‘Grossly putting, almost 35% of internet population uses search engines other than Google!’

Yahoo is one of the best search engines after Google, so it is very important to ensure that Yahoo is giving your site a good rank, because a site that is well optimized for Yahoo will also rank well in other search engines.

Yahoo! is the second biggest of the three major engines and includes an enormous network of websites.

There are a few differences between Yahoo and other search engines – So, let’s dig out a little into dealing with ways to conquer Yahoo! Search…. Here we go!

To optimize and rank highly on Yahoo!, as with any of the major engines, specific areas need to be addressed. On Yahoo! the major areas are as follows:

Seo Online Training Sessions

The Factors

Keyword density (We’ve covered keyword concepts earlier, refer to them for details)
Let me get the links for you:

Note-Worthy Note: Research says that Google and MSN work on partial matching of keywords: this means that they recognize a "partial" keyword as well. Example: the word "cake" may also be listed when searched for the plural work "cakes", making no difference between singular or plural keywords. Or recognize the partial keyphrase in the word "cake" in the phrase "Cakes & Bakes".

Yahoo works on ‘exact match’ phenomenon: they recognize only an exact keyword or keyphrase – A plural or more words represent completely another match.

Site structure: On no other engine is site structure more important than on Yahoo! Arrange your pages in the order of priority!

Backlinks: Having a solid backlink count from relevant sites is a major factor on Yahoo!

Tags: For Yahoo Meta tags are very important… Don’t miss them.

Domain Demand: Register your domains for 2-5 years, not 1 year and get a domain with as less dashes as you can. Dashes are not adored by Yahoo!

Web links: Use search engine friendly URLs.

Content is the King again: Quality content is a MUST for Yahoo listing.

That’s all for today, thanks!
V-Empower Inc: Topic Today: Search Engine Optimization – Yahoo!



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